
The best training partners come with waggy tails

Sunday, November 30, 2014

December Goals

I want to try to be better with goals and planning. Tonight I drew up my training plan for the next few months, and will be better at reporting (to myself at least) the difference between my planned mileage and my actual mileage. If I'm really organized I might get around to posting the completed table here, but we saw what happened last time I promised review posts! I've been having some really good runs lately, which makes me confident for my upcoming races. November was basically a get-back-on-schedule period for me, after vacation and visitors and brain-freeze. I was pretty upset coming back, feeling like I was running into a brick wall headfirst. Then I looked at my times, and realised I really hadn't lost much at all; I was pushing harder than I needed to get the same results, thinking I had lost too much fitness on my extended recovery. I also set a new 5k PR this month without really trying. I'm liking 5ks as a way to measure my improvements since I really don't do any speedwork, another thing that I keep saying needs to change but I find myself drawn more to trail miles than the track. That being said, I hope to get another mile test done in December, just to see if gains can be had without focussed speed work. Pony hasn't been getting out as much as I'd like, partly due to time constraints, partly due to rain. I love that it's raining, but the trails are slick as anything and pony trips over himself plenty often enough (lack of concentration - literally ran us into a tree more than once - the joy of a greenie), let alone in wet clay. I also can't tear up the tracks, particularly since it's private property. However, pony is getting pretty fit, and was somewhat of a tearaway on our last adventure. My phone has yet to be repaired, so no running or other pictures :( Sad times. Moving on.... December goals!

  1. Mile test 
  2. <8:00 at Woodside 50k
  3. Run every day (currently 7 days into a 403 day running streak [2015, but I began 11/24])
  4. Stick to my plan as much as possible
  5. Ride at least once per week

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