
The best training partners come with waggy tails

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Bad Blogger, Mediocre Runner

I keep trying to be better at blogging. I just forget about it until I'm on a run and can't do anything about it. I haven't even been keeping up with Bugsy's blog. Oopsie!
Perceived effort has been a problem lately. I seem to be trying too hard on training runs, unable to really scale back my effort level (excluding yesterday's piss-poor attempt). Example: the other day I went to Jackson for a 7.5 mile hilly run by myself. I was about a third done and started really struggling. I put it down to not being fully back on form yet. Even accounting for the hike up the hill, it seemed too hard. I kept stopping to catch my breath and stretch a little. I mentally checked out too, taking photos of nothing and distracting myself with imaginary sounds in the woods. Not far from the car, I realised that if I picked it up and focussed, I could probably get close to my previous best time on this route. Then half a mile out I noticed that I could beat it. I took a full five minutes off my time, and I hadn't been trying that hard.

Not sure what happened yesterday, but it was a minor disaster. Bonking half way through a four miler (no, not a typo - it was a really bad day!!). I was trying not to over-analyse, but looking for answers. Yes I went to the gym first, but I run after almost every gym workout, even long runs. I hadn't had breakfast, but that's also not unusual for a short run. I did have two packets of Justin's nut butter - I don't know if they made me shut down, or completely saved me from crashing on the trail. I had stayed hydrated, I was happy it was raining. My legs felt like lead, as did my arms. Enough so that I kept slumping forward caveman-styly trudging along. I hid under a tree at one point when the rain got particularly heavy, then realised it was just an excuse more than anything. I pushed on, and got out to my car, and took myself out to breakfast to cheer up. Because tequila lime hollondaise makes everyone a better runner, right? (It really is delicious! And made me happy.)
Today's run was much better when I finally got out there. Motivation was distinctly lacking, and it was just after 11.00am before I finally hit the trail. I had planned to do the Jackson loop twice. It was pouring again (a good thing - just not ideal for running). The trails were like a giant slip'n'slide which was fun and a little fall-risky, but I stayed upright (yay core strength improvements!). About half way through I decided I really couldn't face being out here for 3+ hours. I made a promise to myself that if I beat my time from the other day, I could go home for a hot shower. If I lost focus and started messing about like before, I had to march on. It worked, and I took eight minutes off my time from the other day. Also tested out some sweet potato (cut into slices and baked with olive oil and salt). I had ten slices just under the hour mark, and they stayed settled even when I ran harder, and no gut bombs. More testing needed, but might be on to something.
I have another double day tomorrow, but T will be with me, so slower pace but also some company, which I think I'm missing. I don't mind running by myself, and know I need to practice for race situations, but it's nice to chat every now and again. More big hills to come, as well as the only spot I know to find the only kind of mushrooms I know for sure to eat! There's been so many kinds.

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