
The best training partners come with waggy tails

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

"I'm going to review each week" Or Not...

So I've failed massively at blogging about this training cycle as I boldly announced I would. But I don't feel bad - I've been too busy out DOING things, then being too tired to write about them (as well as a sudden increase in hours at work, which is a good thing :D) Sticking to the training plan hasn't worked out exactly as planned due to schedule changes and such, but I seem to have had a nice little breakthrough. I try to not get too hard on myself when it seems that every run sucks and I want to sit down and sulk instead. I've come to realise this is usually the period of adaptation before hitting the next level. (My running seems to improve in big steps rather than a gradual succession.) My last three runs have felt amazing. Running (as opposed to hiking) more hills than usual, feeling strong the whole way through, and

Argh I hate computers. It is dying and keeps crashing and I can't deal with Zblogger on my phone. Just know training is going well, I'm not eaten by mountain lions, and will be back soon (I hope )

1 comment:

  1. You know, I had never made that connection between a string of sucky runs and the moving to the "next level" but I think you are right. What's interesting is that I *do* pay a LOT of attention to my rest of recovery (as you know from all my ramblings over on my blog and at rider fit), but I guess these things aren't always linear and predictable and so sometimes I running through those adaptions instead of resting through them. It's a good point that I'll try to remember the next time I'm screaming at the trail and wishing I could have magic aliens pick me up and rescue me.

    Based on this....really crossing my fingers that I have a good performance on Saturday. I had weeks of sucky runs, with the runs only finally getting better end of last week - so perhaps I've crested another hill in my fitness? We can only hope.

    Only 23 days until Salt point!!! So excited for you. Hope you can blog more soon - know it's hard sometimes but I selfishly like making sure I'm on track by seeing what you are doing since you seem like you've actually PLANNED this and are following some sort of PLAN, while I'm completely winging it (plus you always have such pretty pictures!)
