
The best training partners come with waggy tails

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Fat Kid Fun

I had a terrible hangover this morning! We went on our adventure yesterday, primarily for Bugsy food and shoes for T. We added in a stop for (GF) pizza. Maybe a run or hike at Lake Sonoma. It was muggy and w had to sit in the car with each other for nearly two hours post-lake so we chose to forgo the run. First stop, realising we were hungry near Ukiah, was a restroom stop, with chicken nuggets and sweet potato fries at Jack in the Box. Scoot on down to the feed store in Sebastopol for pony noms, and swing by the used tack store. Got some nice new heritage gloves, sounds like the mare I'm riding in a few weeks will warrant glove-wearing! On to the shoestore, where T was highly entertaining and tried on many many pairs of pretty new shoes. She left with a pair of Nike Wild Horse trail shoes with gortex, and I was $15 poorer thanks to a pair of socks! One pair! Adventures continued with more stops for items that we can't get or are much cheaper than in Fort Bragg such as Aloe juice (also for the pony...) and some clothing basics. Completely forgot to get bodyglide at Athletic Soles, so tried to pick some up at Big 5 and couldn't find it (also no luck on handheld bottles or hydration packs, should have gone to one of the other running stores in Santa Rosa but never mind). Sugar adventures included chocolate and ice cream milkshakes, and feeling awful driving home! It was fat kid day.

This morning we ventured out to JugHandle, both feeling sickish, gassy, and crabby (we're so good at being girls "Go ahead of me, I think I need to fart" and plenty of belching. Keeping it classy!) Both thoroughly sold on not going so overboard on future fat kid days, and suffered the first half of our run for it. T got to get some christening mud on the shoes, and I got to test my new socks, which I wasn't sure I would love as they had more arch support than I typically like. But as soon as my foot warmed up I didn't notice it, and even though my shoes weren't dry after the puddle jumping on Monday, no sign of blistering or even hotspots around blisters that are currently healing. Maybe we have a winner. I went a size up which maybe helped with the support not being too restrictive for my foot. It was good to see again that even feeling as crappy as we did, and having to stop a few times for typical new shoe adjustments, our time was better than what even three weeks ago we considered a decent run! Woohoooo! Love seeing improvements :) Just no more fat kid food for a while...

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